STORADIO provides the airline market with a highly professional and dedicate team that supports you H24/365 days per year. Providing the market with HF, OCC, crew planning, roster maintenance and OCC training, gives us a solid base and a holistic view over the airline OPS and crew planning world. To be able to support our customers we have five value words that we follow in our day-to-day activities:
About us
Pride Since 1968
STORADIO/Stockholmradio is a market leading service provider and we support the airline market with long-range HF (High Frequency) radio communication services ever since the 1960’s, using remote-controlled, high-powered transmitters and receivers with various directional antennas, all situated in Sweden.
Our HF supports 250+ airline customers and pilots with safe and secure air to ground radio service, all from SELCAL checks to Medical calls.
Apart from the HF RADIO services, STORADIO AERO has a H24 & D365 Operations Control Centre (OCC), specialised as a reliable and highly professional outsourced OCC.
We started our OCC SERVICES in 2004 as a complement to the HF RADIO service. STORADIO is a well-established OCC provider on the market, and we offer reliable OCC services and we have a very strong believe in our crew and services. Our values, regulations and rules, are all based on Swedish and EU legislations. And we are proud of that!
If your airline is in the start-up phase; when you need to slim your organisation; when you have a tight budget; or whatever your case might be, we will be your business partner and assist you with our services.
Our crew at STORADIO can also support airlines with crew planning, providing long term planning, roster maintenance and crew control.
Our history began in the early 20th century, as a part of “Kungliga Telegrafverket”, (The Royal Telecommunication Agency, later “Televerket”). Already in 1902-03, the Swedish RTA and the Swedish Marine started experimenting with radio stations for maritime purposes, and Vaxholm Radio (Stockholm) opened for public traffic in 1914.
This continued to grow, finally leading to an amalgamation of the Swedish coastal radio stations, under one brand and callsign: “Stockholm Radio” or SDJ.
In a royal letter of 1907, all Swedish radio stations were obliged to relay signals from ships in distress, later being formalised so that the Coast Radio Stations also acted as Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, MRCC.
Today MRCC is handled by JRCC (Joint Rescue Coordination Center, a governmental body also including aerial rescue coordination.
Long-distance HF-radio for different governmental functions also became an integral part of Stockholm Radio. Interesting fact: the HF radio was also used for communication with Swedish UN peace keeping missions, diplomatic missions, Antarctica and Mt Everest expeditions as well as with submarines(!).
In 1967 a project for aeronautical radio started, as a collaboration with SAS (Scandinavian Airlines), and soon also the Swedish airline Transair. With a growing number of transpolar and transatlantic flights radio coverage was essential for safe operations.
This aeronautical radio service took off commercially in 1968 and has since attracted a very large portion of the world’s long-distance airlines, being essentially any airline operating within range of transmission from “Stockholm Radio”.
As a development of radio communication within Televerket Radio, a special unit was set up to explore wireless telephone communication. This unit (“Televerket Mobile”, later “Telia”) grew and attracted much attention. So much that in 1993 the radio part of Televerket was sold off and privatised, the buyer being Viamare Invest.
Viamare continued to develop the HF- and VHF-radio activities and especially the maritime part: for instance a maritime assistance for private boating was set up (branded as “SjöAssistans”).
During this time the aeronautical radio kept growing, and during the Gulf War the radio station had its busiest period with at times more than 600 contacts per day, as a large number of airlines needed to be in close contact with their operational centres.
In 2004 Stockholm Radio started offering airlines Operational Control services. This new service was a success and grew and is today a back-bone of what is branded as STORADIO AERO. A period before that we were known as Aviolinx Communication & Services
The maritime radio (“Stockholmradio”) was in 2010 separated from the aeronautical part of the company and moved to offices in central Stockholm, being a brand under the company NMSS.
In 2018 the Sdiptech group bought the aeronautical radio and OCC. Sdiptech is noted on NASDAQ Stockholm exchange market.
Early in 2020 Sdiptech acquired the maritime radio services back from NMSS, still operating under the brand name Stockholmradio.
Today both brands (STORADIO AERO and Stockholmradio) are part of the company STORADIO AB in Nacka Strand, where it has been located since the late 1980’s.
Why choose Storadio?
- Passion
- Professionalism
- Joy
- Engagement
- Believe
For us at STORADIO it is very important that the customer and our employees are in a close business relationship with each other and that STORADIO is seen more than a supplier, we want, and aim, to be a strong partner of our customers development and stability.
Choosing STORADIO also means that you will have a partner that can cut your costs and improve the company efficiency via a streamlined and highly experienced organisation.
STORADIO OCC is like an ordinarie airline OCC, expect that we dont have any of our own aircraft. Our set-up is like an airline OCC and we follow all current required rules and regulation’s. Our staff are FOO trained, we have our own OCC manager, OCC team-leader and qualified OCC trainers. That is what makes us strong and different from other suppliers and we take great pride in what we deliver!

Client statements
Get in touch
The offices of Stockholmradio are in beautiful Nacka Strand, slightly east of Stockholm, a 10-minute drive away from the city center.
Don’t be a stranger, contact us! We are here 247!
Phone: +46 (0)8 601 79 00
Address: P.O Box 1242, 131 28 Nacka Strand, Sweden